Yamazaki Home Living Room Organizer Beige


使用隔層設計,可以將遙控器,電線和小型電子設備分門別類收納好。 分隔能讓物品保持直立,中間隔板設計輕薄簡單,能提供物品更整齊的收納。

– 材質:鋼,木
– 尺寸:2.8 x 9.8 x 4 (英寸)
– 產品重量:1.1磅
– 木類型:白蠟木淺色清漆
– 日本設計

Gather remote controls, cables and small electronics in one spot with this sectioned organizer. Compartments keep everything upright, and a gap between the interior and exterior walls creates space for papers or slimmer, wider items.

– Materials: Steel, Wood
– Dimensions: 2.8" x 9.8" x  4" inch
– Product Weight: 1.1 lb
– Wood type: Ash | Light clear-coat finish
– Designed in Japan