Features and Selection of Ceramic Ovenware

Features and Selection of Ceramic Ovenware

Features and Selection of Ceramic Ovenware

#Ceramic Ovenware
#Baking Dishes
#Easy Cooking

Oven dishes are perfect year-round, and making them at home is not only convenient and affordable but also avoids the frustration of a hot kitchen. Having bakeware that works in the microwave, oven, or even on direct heat makes the whole cooking process simple. Just season ➜ assemble ➜ bake, and you’re ready to enjoy a delicious meal!

Choosing the right baking dish that meets your cooking needs is essential. Bakeware comes in various materials such as heat-resistant glass, ceramic, and enamel, and is available in shapes like rectangular or round. The variety of heat sources they accommodate also differs. Ema’s Table recommends the most popular and versatile option for a wide range of recipes: ceramic ovenware. Please visit the Oven Plate Collection and Baking Bowl Collection for your reference.

Ceramic bakeware is known for its high heat resistance and excellent heat retention, making it perfect for a variety of oven-based dishes. Most are also microwave-safe for reheating and some can even be used directly on gas stoves, enhancing their overall practicality. Many ceramic baking dishes have a non-stick coating, making them easy to clean after enjoying your meal. Compared to the uniform look of glass or stainless steel, ceramic dishes offer stylish colors and designs that can elevate the presentation of your food. The only drawback is that ceramic can be more fragile, so handle it with care.

  • For Family Meals

When cooking for family or gatherings, choose the right size and capacity to suit your needs, and select bakeware with different rim designs based on the dish. If you’re hosting a party or celebration, a larger capacity dish of 1L or more is recommended. Deeper bakeware is more versatile and can help minimize the number of dishes to clean, making your meal experience even more enjoyable!

- Casseroles, lasagna, risotto: Choose deep bakeware to prevent sauce overflow

- Meats, roasted vegetables, pasta: A shallow baking dish works well


  • For Individual Meals

A single serving of baked pasta is typically around 350 ml. Use this as a baseline and adjust based on your appetite to find the right capacity. Even with limited kitchen space, a versatile bakeware piece that combines prep, cooking, and plating functions can help you create a delicious and satisfying meal, turning cooking into a therapeutic and simple task!

- Limited stovetop options: Opt for bakeware that works in both the oven and microwave for more versatility

- Limited space: Choose bakeware that fits inside a small oven and can be stacked for convenience


  • For Baking Desserts

Bakeware isn’t just for meals—it can also help create beautiful desserts. For your favorite fruit pies or cakes, a round baking dish is ideal for achieving that perfectly round shape! Unlike metal bakeware that heats up quickly, ceramic bakeware gradually warms up, making it perfect for slow baking and ensuring rich, delicious flavors.

- Cheesecakes, cupcakes, puddings: Choose the appropriate size based on the type of dessert

- Using acidic ingredients like lemon or buttermilk: Ceramic materials prevent chemical reactions with the ingredients, preserving the dessert's flavor.



焗烤料理一年四季都適合,自己動手在家做,不僅方便平價,還能避免下厨悶熱的煩躁。一件適用微波、烤箱、甚至直火的烤盤,更讓整個烹調過程變簡單,只要調味 ➜ 擺料 ➜ 入烤箱,就能坐等上桌大啖美味!

選購符合料理需求的焗烤皿是首要,市面上材質從耐熱玻璃、陶瓷到琺瑯應有盡有,也有長方形、圓形等不同形狀,相對應的熱源更是多元。Ema’s Table 推薦最熱門、也是最方便活用於各式食譜的陶瓷焗烤盤,並整理了 Oven Plate 專區Baking Bowl 專區供桌友們參考。


  • 多人料理適用



  • 單人料理適用

一般來説,一人份的焗烤意大利麵約爲350 ml,以此做基本的參考值,再根據食量的多寡來選擇適合的容量。即使厨房空間有限,只要透過一件“備料+烹調+擺盤”兼用的萬能烤皿,就能準備豐富菜色,讓下廚也能是一件無比療癒又簡單的事情!


  • 蛋糕甜點適用


乳酪蛋糕、杯子蛋糕、布丁⋯⋯ |根據甜點種類,選擇適合的尺寸