Miffy Reversible Cutting Board


This cute Miffy cutting board is a reversible type that can be used both front and back, which you can cut raw meat on one side, and cooked food on the other side. The surface has a guard that allows you to move without spilling ingredients. It is original product from Japan, with exquisite quality and durability. 

- Size: L 32.5 x W 21 x H 0.9 cm 
- Material: Polypropylene
- Made in Japan
- Notes: Dishwasher safe. 


超卡哇伊的 MIFFY 切菜板,不只好看也很實用!雙面皆可用的巧思,可清楚分辨要用哪邊切生食跟熟食,讓味道不混淆,保持乾淨與衛生。四周的加高設計與防滑塞,可減少食材掉出與滑移,也能避免菜刀切到手的風險。此砧板為日本原裝,品質精緻,經久耐用,有可愛的米菲兔陪你一起備料,不僅順手輕鬆,心情也更美麗!

- 尺寸:L 32.5 x W 21 x H 0.9 cm
- 材質:PP 聚丙烯
- 產地:日本
- 注意事項:洗碗機可用