Cotton Series Baking Container with Lid S


Fujihoro Cotton Series container is an enamel storage container as well as cookware. It is lightweight, durable, non-toxic, bacteria free, odor free, stain resistance, and easy to clean. Rather than just being a container, it can be used for many ways. The heat conduction is fast and even, which help save gas and time. The stylish color of the Scandinavian style will add a nice touch to your kitchen and dining table. The S size is compact and suitable as a cold dish lunch box. 

- Size: L 14.5 x W 9.5 x H 5 cm (420 ml)
- Material: Porcelain enameled on carbon steel, PP, TPE
- Made in Thailand
- Notes: 

  • Body is compatible with gas stove, IH induction cooker, oven, electric pot, and air flyer. 
  • Dishwasher safe, with lid on top rack. 
  • No microwave.
  • Do not use abrasive cleaners. 
  • After use, please let the pot cool down naturally before washing.

琺瑯烘培保鮮盒 附蓋淺型 S

富士琺瑯 Cotton 簡約系列的琺瑯烘培保鮮盒,即是容器又是鍋具,表面平滑,導熱均匀快速,使用中小火即可,節能又省時。採用獨特技術製成的高密度琺瑯,使其不易著色沾氣味,不易附著細菌,耐磨耐刮,且容易清洗。附蓋設計不釋放金屬離子,保留食材原味,是保存食物的最佳容器。本體適用多種火源,燉煮蒸炸、烘培料理,都可輕鬆達成各種需求。全系列共有三款時尚顔色,以及四種尺寸,此款淺型S 輕巧易用,很適合放置各種小菜,或是當作冷便當盒,方便萬用!

尺寸:L 14.5 x W 9.5 x H 5 cm (420 ml)
- 材質:

上蓋:PP、TPE(耐熱100℃,耐冷 -20℃)
本體:鋼板、玻璃琺瑯釉料(耐熱500℃,耐冷 -20℃)

- 產地:泰國
- 注意事項:

  • 本體適用於瓦斯爐、IH爐、電磁爐、黑金爐等多種火源,可進烤箱、電鍋、氣炸鍋
  • 洗碗機可用,蓋子放上層
  • 微波爐不可用
  • 勿使用鋼刷刷洗,請使用清水和海綿輕輕刷洗即可
  • 使用完畢後請先讓鍋體自然冷卻之後再進行洗滌動作,以免因短時間內的熱漲冷縮造成釉料的剝落