Formosa Chocolates
Formosa Chocolates, the most popular handmade chocolate brand in the San Francisco Bay Area, was founded by Kimberly Yang, who was originally a psychiatrist. After attending a chocolate bootcamp course at the International Culinary Center in New York, she became fascinated with chocolate making. She then studied with chefs and trained in Belgium. The brand name Formosa meaning “beautiful island,” which is a tribute to her heritage from Taiwan.
Their work has been featured in the Michelin Guide, Consumer Reports, Bon Appétit, the Food Network, SF Chronicle, and World Journal.
三藩市灣區最吸粉的手工巧克力品牌 Formosa Chocolates,創辦人 Kimberly Yang 原是一位精神科醫生,在參加紐約 International Culinary Center 舉辦的巧克力課程後,迷上了製作巧克力,隨後跟隨大師學習並到比利時培訓。以「美麗之島 Formosa」台灣為品牌名,彰顯其家族來自台灣的根源,也希望做出如「福爾摩沙」之名,既美觀又美味的巧克力。
Formosa Chocolates 曾被多個報紙雜志報道,例如《米其林指南》、《消費者報告》、《Bon Appétit》、《Food Network》、《舊金山紀事報》 和 《世界日報》等。
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