Roti Rectangular Grill Dish


Comes from the 4th-Market Roti series, this rectangular grill dish is ideal for oven cooking such as gratin, grilled fish, vegetables or seafood, and can be served directly on the table after cooking. Available in three colors, its simple and modern appearance can be easily matched with different table styles. 

- Size: L 21 x W 13 x H 5.5 cm
- Material: Heat-resistant pottery
- Made in Japan
- Notes:
  • Direct fire, microwave, and oven safe.
  • No dishwasher.
  • Do not burn when it is empty. 
此款來自4th-Market Roti系列的方型烤皿,以簡單大方的輪廓線條配上柔和的釉色,簡約時尚,能輕易搭配各式餐桌風格。因採用耐熱陶器材質,直火、烤箱、微波爐皆可應對,最適合製作焗烤蔬菜、海鮮、烤魚等各種焗烤料理,煮完即可熱騰騰上桌享用,非常方便。供有三種顔色選擇,高品質營造出不一樣的餐飲格調!

- 尺寸:L 21 x W 13 x H 5.5 cm
- 材質:耐熱陶器
- 產地:日本
- 注意事項:
  • 適用於瓦斯直火、微波爐、烤箱。
  • 洗碗機不可用。
  • 請勿空燒。