Watercolor Ink Ceramic Diatomaceous Earth Coaster


This ceramic coaster has an artistic design that you can enjoy the gradation and blurring of mature watercolors and ink. The excellent water absorption properties of diatomaceous earth quicky absorb water droplets that form on the glass surface, allowing you to enjoy your summer drinks worry-free without leaving water stains behind. The back side is covered with cork to prevent slipping and scratching the table. Available in 4 exquisite patterns, it looks stunning whether used individually or as a complete set.

- Size: 9.7 x H 0.6 cm
- Material: Clay, Diatomaceous earth, cork

- Made in Japan

- Notes:

  • Wipe it off with a wet cloth to clean dirt. But if you get the entire coaster wet, the cork on the back may peel off. If it gets wet, please dry it thoroughly before use.
  • If the water absorption capacity decreases, it will recover if you dry it in the shade in a well-ventilated place. Also, if oil etc. adheres to it, it will become clogged and its absorption capacity will deteriorate. In that case, you can recover by rubbing the surface with sandpaper, but the pattern may disappear.
  • Although the coaster itself does not contain ingredients that cause mode, please do not stack them after use and store them after they are completely dry.



- 尺寸:9.7 x H 0.6 cm
- 材質:陶器、硅藻土、軟木
- 產地:日本
- 注意事項:

  • 如杯墊沾染污垢可用濕布擦拭,但若杯墊完全浸濕,背面的軟木塞可能會剝落。如不慎浸濕杯墊,請待其徹底乾燥後再使用。
  • 若珪藻土的吸水效果下降,可將其放置於通風良好的陰涼處晾乾,以恢復吸水力。若杯墊沾到油漬,可能發生堵塞狀況,使吸收能力下降,在這種情況下,可用砂紙打磨表面來恢復,但圖案可能會消失。
  • 雖然杯墊本身不含引起發霉的成分,但使用後請勿堆疊,並請待完全乾燥後再存放收納。