Countryside Cup & Sauce


This cup and saucer set features clean lines and is designed to complement your drinks. It has a thick and nostalgic feeling. No matter what color it is, it is easy to match with various table styles. The wide cup shape and curved plate are both outlined with lines, leaving the blank space in the middle, which just look perfect when putting together. 

- Size: 
Cup L 14 x W 11.8 x H 6.6 cm (350 ml)
Saucer 15.3 x H 2.5 cm (6" Dia)

- Material: Porcelain
- Made in Japan
- Notes: Dishwasher and microwave safe. No oven or direct fire. 


最近在 IG 上超紅的美式復古器皿,相信已經在許多人的購買清單中。厚實堅固的瓷石材質,拿在手中滑順有份量,搭配粗細不同的線圈設計,無論哪一款顏色,擺上桌都大方好看,同時充滿濃濃的懷舊味道。寬厚的杯子與精緻的盤組合,皆以線條勾勒成型,中間留白,放在一起恰到好處,讓下午茶時光更有情調!

- 尺寸:
杯子 L 14 x W 11.8 x H 6.6 cm (350 ml)
盤子 15.3 x H 2.5 cm (6" Dia)

- 材質:瓷器
- 產地:日本