Washable Gray Kraft Paper Storage Bag


This kraft paper bag is the new favorite of fashionable storage. Unlike traditional plastic and cloth bags, it is durable, washable, environmentally friendly and can be used repeatedly. Its paper material can be folded to customized heights for different needs; or you can even flatten it for easy storage when not in use. It has a wide range of applications, such as fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator, stationery, daily necessities, plant decorations and small items. With three sizes to choose from, it is perfect for home or trip uses. Ema's Table also has the brown bag in the same series for sale. 

- Size:
XL 20 x 20 x H 35 cm  
Large 15 x 15 x H 28 cm
Medium 12 x 12 x H 23 cm

- Material: Kraft paper
- Made in China
- Notes: 
  • When using as a potted plant, do not put soil directly in it, but put the pot in. 
  • Do not soak in water for a long time. 


實用又好看的質感收納紙袋,使用德國環保牛皮紙材質,防水且可反覆水洗,不只能收納生活小物,還可裝食材、水果或盆栽,為居家氛圍增添北歐風。有多款尺寸選擇,也可反摺紙袋來調整高度,耐用的材料即使起皺也不易破裂,相當堅固,不用時就隨手一折,易於存放。把沐浴用品、化妝刷具、冰箱食材都裝在紙袋裡整齊分類,讓人一看就順眼,心情也跟著愉快起來!Ema's Table 另有同系列的棕色袋可供選擇,搭配使用更具質感!

- 尺寸:
特大 20 x 20 x H 35 cm  
大 15 x 15 x H 28 cm
中 12 x 12 x H 23 cm

- 材質:牛皮紙
- 產地:中國
  • 放置盆栽時,請連同花盆一起放置,請勿直接放入土壤。
  • 本產品可水洗,請避免長時間浸泡水中。