Vido Series Vacuum Lid


This lid is designed to use together with the Fujihoro Vido series container, which is the first innovation of "enamel box + vacuum preservation". It uses Vacummsaver patented technology, and has obtained international patents and complies with Japanese JIS standards. The vacuumed storage can effectively extend the life of food by 2-5 times more, help block moisture, and inhibit the growth of bacterial. The lid has three sizes and fits both shallow type and deep type of the Vido containers.  

- Size: 
M/DM | L 18 x W 12 x H 2 cm
L/DL | L 20.5 x W 16 x H 2 cm
LL/DLL | L 23.5 x W 17.5 x H 2 cm

- Material: Silicone, PP (-20℃ to 120℃)
- Notes: 

  • The lid is dishwasher safe, on top rack. 
  • Can be used as a sealing cap when not vacuumed. 
  • Do not freeze it in the vacuum status.

琺瑯保鮮盒真空蓋 (淺/深型適用)

富士琺瑯 Vido 真空系列首創【琺瑯盒+真空保鮮】,採用Vacummsaver 專利技術,真空構造取得國際以及日本JIS標準認證。搭配真空抽氣筒和真空蓋使用,可阻隔濕氣、抑制細菌繁殖,有效延長食物保存期限的 2-5 倍。備好料的新鮮食材、當日剩菜剩飯、切片水果…,無論什麼料理,只要裝進保鮮盒、蓋上蓋子並確認真空,就能輕鬆保存,不怕浪費食物。蓋子根據真空系列琺瑯盒的尺寸分三種,淺、深型保鮮盒均適用。

- 尺寸:
M/DM 中 L 18 x W 12 x H 2 cm
L/DL 大 L 20.5 x W 16 x H 2 cm
LL/DLL 特大 L 23.5 x W 17.5 x H 2 cm

- 材質:矽膠、PP(耐熱120℃,耐冷 -20℃)
- 注意事項:
  • 蓋子可放洗碗機上層。
  • 不使用抽氣筒時,蓋子可作為密封蓋使用。
  • 本產品會因真空負壓原理使蓋子凹陷,於此狀態下冷凍恐使凹陷蓋子定型。為確保真空蓋使用年限,請勿於真空狀態下冷凍,以免影響使用效果。