Retro Stripe Mug


This mug has a antique feel with embossed lines, creating a stylish atmosphere on the table. The are two colors, with the words "Be happy anyway" or "Love what you do" on it. Every time you use this mug, you will feel warm and encouraged. 

- Size: 8 x H 8 cm
- Material: Pottery 
- Made in Nepal
- Notes: Dishwasher and microwave safe. No oven or direct fire. 


這款古色古香的馬克杯,杯身刻有不規則的線條浮雕,放在桌上即可營造時尚氛圍,是冬日暖心飲品的最佳容器。共有兩款顏色,分別提有「Be happy anyway」及「Love what you do」字樣,讓人每次就口,都能被深深鼓勵著,為美好的一天添滿元氣!

- 尺寸:8 x H 8 cm
- 材質:陶器
- 產地:尼泊爾
- 注意事項:洗碗機、微波爐可用,烤箱、直火不可用