Antique Glazed Cup Set of 5


This Mino ware cup set has a vintage design and natural coloring. The red clay is hand-painted with colored patterns, and the inside is made white with decorative clay so that you can see the color of the drink. The overall feel is solid and mature, providing a comforting warmth every time you hold it. A set of 5 cups, each has a unique pattern. It is a multi-purpose vessel that can be used as a tea cup or a small bowl for desserts and sauces. 

- Size: 9.5 x H 7 cm (230 ml)
- Material: Ceramic
- Made in Japan
- Notes: Dishwasher safe. No microwave, oven or direct fire. 

古窯釉彩陶杯 5 件組

像是會出現在日本喫茶老店的陶杯組,典雅復古的設計與配色,能為餐桌營造溫馨的氣氛,由職人手工古法上釉並在內部施以白色化妝土製作,整體手感沉穩厚實,每次端握在手中都能感到格外地暖和。大小適中的尺寸,可以當茶酒杯、盛裝甜點小菜,或是蕎麥麵湯汁的豬口杯,5 款色系都別具風格,非常適合在親朋好友拜訪時拿出來招待使用!

- 尺寸:9.5 x H 7 cm (230 ml)
- 材質:陶瓷
- 產地:日本
- 注意事項:洗碗機可用,微波爐、烤箱、直火不可用