Coton Brown Line Tall Bowl 5"


The natural and simple Coton series goes well with any scene. This bowl is outlined with a brown line, which gradually bleeds into the ivory glaze, creating a calm and soft atmosphere. With a certain depth, it is most suitable for serving sashimi rice, miso soup, soba noodles and more. This is a vessel that can be used everyday and anytime. 

- Size: 13 x H 8 cm (5" Dia)
- Material: Porcelain
- Made in Japan
- Notes: Dishwasher and microwave safe. No oven or direct fire. 

Coton 柔和棕線飯碗

充滿寧靜氛圍的 Coton 系列,以棕色的線條描邊,柔軟滲入釉料中,搭配如棉布般自然簡約的米色,賦予器皿柔和、沉穩的氣質。深度足夠的丼飯碗,除了打造視覺豐盛的生魚片丼飯,也適合用於茶泡飯、蕎麥麵料理中。無論日式還是西式,都能與任何場景相得益彰,成為日常最實用的器皿款式。

- 尺寸:13 x H 8 cm (5" Dia)
- 材質:瓷器
- 產地:日本
- 注意事項:洗碗機、微波爐可用,烤箱、直火不可用