Cotton Series Saucepan 18cm


The Cotton series soup pot from Fuji Enamel features a smooth surface and conducts heat faster than traditional stainless steel pots. This not only saves energy but also makes the pot lighter. It resists odors and stains, making it easy to clean. The stylish Morandi purple color, combined with the warm wooden handle, gives it a cute and cozy design. With a 2.3L capacity, it is perfect for blanching, making soups, or stewing dishes. Suitable for both IH induction cookers and open flame heating, it is a practical and aesthetically pleasing kitchen helper!

-Size: L 36.5 x W 21 x H 14.5 cm (8" Dia, 2.3L)
-Material: Porcelain enameled steel plate, Natural wood
-Made in Thailand

  • No dishwasher, microwave, or oven.
  • Do not use abrasive cleaners.
  • After use, please let the pot cool down naturally before washing.

富士琺瑯 單柄附蓋調理鍋 18 cm

來自富士琺瑯的 Cotton 系列,這款湯鍋表面平滑,導熱速度比傳統不鏽鋼鍋更快,不只節省能源也更輕便,且不易沾氣味或留下污漬,清潔起來簡單順心。時尚的莫蘭迪紫,配上溫潤木質手柄,整體設計可愛又溫馨,2.3 L 的尺寸可用來川燙、煮湯或燉煮料理,適用於 IH 電磁爐及明火加熱,是美感與實用兼具的廚房好幫手!

-尺寸:長 36.5 x 寬 21 x 高 14.5 cm (8" Dia, 2.3L)

  • 洗碗機、微波爐、烤箱不可用。
  • 勿使用鋼刷刷洗,請使用清水和海綿輕輕刷洗即可。
  • 使用完畢後請先讓鍋體自然冷卻之後再進行洗滌動作,以免因短時間內的熱漲冷縮造成釉料的剝落。