Easy Rice Sharpening Stick


This convenient rice sharpening stick makes you easy to wash rice and beans without touch cold water, or when you are worried about rough hands or nails. The spoon shape makes it difficult to damage the rice, and can easily remove it by turning it lightly. In addition, it can also be used as a whisk for making fresh cream and okonomiyaki pancake.  

- Size: L 24.2 x W 6.6 x H 4.3 cm
- Material: Polypropylene (up to 120°C)
- Made in Japan
- Notes: Dishwasher safe


來自日本國民品牌 MARNA 的漏勺,讓你不管天熱天冷洗米洗豆子時,手都不用碰水。獨特的弧形設計,不用擔心會破壞米粒,也不會有米黏在上面的窘境,只要輕輕攪拌就能快速洗好,省時又省力!除了洗米,也可以當作打蛋器或鮮奶油攪拌棒。若喜歡在家 DIY 大阪燒或鬆餅,也都可以用這根來舀取備料,多樣化的用途,絕對能成為你的廚房幫手!

- 尺寸:L 24.2 x W 6.6 x H 4.3 cm
- 材質:聚丙烯(耐熱溫度 120°C)
- 產地:日本
- 注意事項:洗碗機可用