Fika Dessert Knife


Get to enjoy the process of making your favorite dessert without a fuss with this Fika dessert knife. With a sleek and classic design, this little knife is perfect for cutting through delicate slices of cake, pies, fruits, and cheese. It can be also used as a spatula for butter and jam. The wooden handle creates a relaxed ambience to fit your home café style dining. It has a compact size to fit your hands perfectly and the rounded up tip prevents any knife-related incidents. 

- Size: L 17.3 x W 4 x H 1.5 cm
- Material: Stainless steel, Wood
- Made in China
- Notes:
  • Keep the knife out of reach form children.
  • Keep away from fire. Do not place it in boiling water. 
  • Do not use it to cut hard frozen foods or bones. 
  • No dishwasher. Do not use abrasive cleaners. 
  • Always dry the knife after washing. 


讓家成為韓系咖啡廳的 FIKA 質感木柄刀,尺寸迷你小巧,適合切水果、麵包、蛋糕、起司等各種小型食材,也可當作果醬、奶油抹刀。舒適好握、使用順手,露營帶出門也相當方便。刀刃以高碳不鏽鋼製作,刀背使用細緻圓角處理,鋒利且耐用。溫潤的櫸木刀柄,每一款的木紋皆不同,是兼具功能性與美觀度的高顏質小刀。

- 尺寸:L 17.3 x W 4 x H 1.5 cm
- 材質:SUS420 不鏽鋼、櫸木
- 產地:中國
- 注意事項:
  • 初次使用時請用中性清潔劑清洗乾淨後再使用
  • 請遠離火源、高溫,請勿放置於沸水中,以免產品變形
  • 刀鋒銳利,請小心使用,並放置於兒童不可觸碰之處
  • 避免在骨頭和冷凍等堅硬食物上使用,以免損壞
  • 不適用鐵刷及含金屬的菜瓜布,請使用海綿或精緻鍋具專用菜瓜布清洗
  • 洗碗機不可用,請勿使用腐蝕性清潔劑
  • 清洗完後擦乾,並於乾燥處存放