In Cup 3”


Made with the concept of enjoying teatime with full five senses. “IN” means changes of aroma after tasting Japanese tea. Designed without compromise by adjusting 1/100th of cm for its thin sharp form, flares and beautiful smooth line decoration, all exudes elegance. Expressions of uneven glaze and pale pink spots called gohonte derived by rough white earthen enhance exquisite charms. It pairs perfectly with the 3.5" saucer from the same series, allowing you to savor the spirit of tea ceremony.

-Size: L 7.9 x W 7.7 x H 6.2 cm (Dia 3”)
-Material: Pottery
-Made in Japan

  • Microwave and dishwasher safe.
  • No oven or direct fire.
  • The glaze finish or texture might vary slightly.

以五感品茶為概念製作,「In 韻」系列想呈現出日本茶的尾韻香氣變化,精湛的設計,將浮雕線條的間隙調整為 0.01 cm,以呈現其薄而銳利的形狀,外緣微微張開,並有著溫柔的流線裝飾,散發出優雅氣質。不均勻的釉面和粗白陶土形成的斑點紋路,更增添其精緻魅力,器皿雖小巧,卻具有莊重的存在感,非常適合搭配同系列 3.5” 底盤,用心品味茶道精神。

-尺寸:長 7.9 x 寬 7.7 x 高 6.2 cm (Dia 3”)
-材質:陶器(studio m' 素材號碼 1)