Mini Draining Baskets & Measuring Cup Set


This set includes three mini baskets and one measuring cup, perfect for draining vegetables and canned food. It is convenient because the contents do not overflow even if exposed to running water. It is lightweight and great for camping. 

- Size: L 10 x W 10 x H 7.5 cm (200 ml)
- Material: Polypropylene ( -20℃~120℃)
- Made in Japan


來自日本 CAPTAIN STAG 鹿牌的迷你三色濾水籃+量杯組,外型可愛小巧,且可推疊收納、不佔空間,讓你輕鬆清洗蔬果,還能當作食物籃裝小菜,帶去露營超方便!獨到的外型設計,能在滿水時將水量從側邊排出,不怕在持續沖水的狀態下溢出,把廚房弄得到處是,顏值高又超萬用。

- 尺寸:L 10 x W 10 x H 7.5 cm (200 ml)
- 材質:PP(耐熱溫度 -20℃~120℃)
- 產地:日本