Smart Cook Low Pressure Cooker

$219.00 Regular price $229.00

As a Red Dot Award winner, this low pressure cooker uses innovative technology to utilize steaming in an enclosed system to preserve vitamins, mineral and accentuate flavors. More important, it reduces cooking time by up to 50% and saves energy consumption. The Xtrema ceramic coating is non-toxic and non-stick. With the patented smart lock mechanism, it allows you to open and close the lid easily with one hand. And you can easily check your cooking process at a glance with the glass lid. 

- Size: L 35.5 x W 24 x H 19.5cm (9.5" Dia, 5.4 L)

- Material: Special alloy containing titanium with ceramic coating, Tempered glass, Silicone, Wood, Metal

- Made in South Korea

- Notes:

  • Compatible with electric, halogen, IH induction, and gas stove.
  • Pot body is oven safe. No microwave. 
  • Please clean the pressure valve before and after use. 
  • Do not use abrasive cleaners and hard brush. 
  • Use wooden or plastic utensils instead of metal utensils. 


這款榮獲紅點設計等國際大獎、具有高顔值的壓力鍋 Smart Cook 利用熱循環原理,讓食材在密封無氧的低壓環境中燜煮,保留住天然維生素與礦物質,維持最原始的鮮甜滋味和口感!鍋內外採用陶瓷噴塗,不含重金屬、PFAS,對人體無害,且導熱快速、蓄熱效果佳、好清洗也不沾黏。專利壓力調節閥設計,在烹煮時輕鬆可打開上蓋,隨時掌控食材熟度。使用此鍋料理,不只更健康美味,還可節省高達 50% 的烹煮時間,且不挑爐具,瓦斯爐、電磁爐、IH 爐皆可用,讓上班忙碌的你也能快速煮出一桌健康好菜!

- 尺寸:L 35.5 x W 24 x H 19.5cm (9.5" Dia, 5.4 L)

- 材質:
鍋身|特殊合金含鈦成份 (陶瓷噴塗)

- 產地:韓國


  • 適用於瓦斯爐、電爐、鹵素爐、黑晶爐、電磁爐;不適用於微波爐
  • 鍋身適用於烤箱
  • 此商品導熱快速,建議使用中、小火即可,打開鍋蓋或拿取鍋具請用防燙手套避免燙傷
  • 使用前後請清潔壓力閥以確保其正常運作;烹飪時,壓力閥會釋放熱蒸汽,請小心燙傷
  • 不適用鐵刷及含金屬的菜瓜布,建議使用海綿或精緻鍋具專用菜瓜布清洗
  • 避免使用金屬湯勺,建議使用木勺或矽膠勺,可延長鍋具使用壽命