Nordic Style Cutlery Rest 2P


Inspired by Vejle, a seaside town in Denmark, this cutlery rest well captures the unique purity and harmony of nature. It has a simple and modern design with an oval shape and excellent hand feel. The size and thickness are just perfect for placing fork, spoon, and chopsticks. A set of 2 and available in three soft colors, they will add an elegant touch on the table. 

- Size: L 7 x W 3 x H 0.8 cm 
- Material: Ceramic
- Made in South Korea
- Notes: Dishwasher, microwave, and oven safe. 

北歐風陶瓷餐具架 2 入組

以丹麥的海濱小鎮 Vejle 為靈感所設計的系列餐具,捕捉下大自然獨有的純粹及和諧,透過簡約且現代的色系,搭配精緻的做工細節,為餐桌捎來一股寧靜的美好。此橢圓型的餐具架,造型圓潤、手感極佳,剛剛好的厚度,能完美撐起叉子、湯匙、筷子等餐具,簡單擺上桌,就能讓桌面看起來更整潔優雅,為生活注入質感品味!

- 尺寸:L 7 x W 3 x H 0.8 cm
- 材質:陶瓷
- 產地:韓國
- 注意事項:洗碗機、微波爐、烤箱可用