Nose Bleeding Cotton Balls


The absorbent cotton is processed into a stick shape, making it very convenient for treating nosebleeds and runny noses. 100 pieces per pack. Be careful not to insert too far into the nose. 

- Size: Small L 2 x W 0.9 cm (100 pcs), Large L 2 x W 1.1 cm (80 pcs)
- Material: 100% cotton
- Made in Japan

日本小豬 止鼻血/鼻水棉球

你家寶貝容易流鼻血嗎?這款日本製止鼻血棉球你一定要隨身攜帶!以 100% 純棉製成,大小剛好適合小朋友與女性,柔軟好塞且不像衛生紙會留下棉絮,即時有突發狀況也不會讓媽咪手忙腳亂。除了能立即止血,感冒、過敏流鼻水也能用,一袋含 100/80 枚,夾鏈密封包裝衛生乾淨,也方便外出使用,家裡有喜歡跑跑跳跳的小朋友,一定要準備幾包!

小|長 2 x 寬 0.9 cm(100 枚入)
大|長 2 x 寬 1.1 cm(80 枚入)

-材質:100% 純棉