Rinka Lightweight Ramen Bowl 7"


The Rinka Lightweight series is light and easy to hold and carry, while it has the same strength as regular porcelain. With a large capacity, this bowl is surprisedly light enough to make you want to use it every day. The chic and stylish design is easy to match with different table styles. Available in three gentle colors, it is great for serving ramen, salad, rice bowl and more. 

- Size: 18.3 x H 9.4 cm (7" Dia, 1050 ml)
- Material: Porcelain 
- Made in Japan
- Notes: Dishwasher and microwave safe. No oven or direct fire. 

與普通瓷器有相同強度、耐用性,重量卻減輕不少的 Rinka 美濃燒大碗,打破大型器皿的份量限制,其輕盈的手感將讓你每天都想使用它。質地溫潤樸實,看久也不會膩的花樣設計,讓它成為餐桌的最佳良伴。共有三款百搭的米色系選擇,生魚片蓋飯、湯麵、沙拉等料理,都能用這款器皿輕鬆搭配!

- 尺寸:18.3 x H 9.4 cm (7" Dia, 1050 ml)
- 材質:瓷器
- 產地:日本
- 注意事項:洗碗機、微波爐可用,烤箱、直火不可用