Satine Ceramic Utensil Holder


Crafted through traditional kiln techniques and fired at a high temperature of 1300°C, this utensil holder is 100% made in Korea, from clay mixing and shaping to final firing. Its subtle semi-matte finish exudes an elegant and luxurious vibe while offering scratch resistance and durability for long-term use. Available in three colors, it pairs beautifully with both metal and wooden materials. A favorite among Korean lifestyle influencers, it's the perfect accessory to elevate your dining table's aesthetic.

-Size: L 8 x W 3 cm
-Material: Ceramic
-Made in Korea
-Notes: Microwave and dishwasher safe. No Oven or Direct Fire.


遵循傳統窯製工藝,於 1300 °C 高溫中燒製而成,從拌土、成型到窯燒全程 100% 韓國製造,微妙的半啞光質感,展現唯美奢華氣息,同時具備耐刮耐用的特性,經得起長期使用。共有 3 款顏色,與金屬或原木材質都完美搭配,深受韓國生活風格名人喜愛,是增添餐桌質感品味的小物。

-尺寸:長 8 x 寬 3 cm