Banko-yaki Flower Carving Clay Pot (IH)


This clay pot has a lid decorated with a profound flower carving pattern, which gets attention as soon as it is served on the table. It is an IH earthen ware pot that can be used with various heat sources such as direct fire, oven, range, radiant heater. Banko-yaki earthenware pot has excellent conductivity and high heat resistance, and can retain the original flavor of the ingredients. There are two sizes to choose from. 

- Size: 
No. 8 L 28 x W 25.5 x H 13.5 cm (10" Dia, 2200 ml)
No. 9 L 32.5 x W 28.8 x H 15.5 cm (11.5" Dia, 3000 ml)

- Material: Heat-resistant pottery
- Made in Japan
- Notes: Direct fire, IH cooker and oven safe. No dishwasher or microwave.

萬古燒 花雕紋土鍋(IH 爐可用)

這款份量感十足的萬古燒土鍋,鍋蓋以深刻的花雕紋路裝飾,氣派的模樣,一端上桌就能驚艷全場。內部附有可對應 IH 爐的感應片,不管廚房是哪種爐具都可以使用。此鍋具有耐明火、耐熱性優異的特點,且陶鍋本身的蓄熱性也相當好,能讓食材徹底煮熟並保留其風味。烹飪用途廣泛,不僅適合冬季煮火鍋,還可用於西式燉菜,是讓人想圍在餐桌旁一起開心用餐的鍋皿!

- 尺寸:
8 號 L 28 x W 25.5 x H 13.5 cm (10" Dia, 2200 ml)
9 號 L 32.5 x W 28.8 x H 15.5 cm (11.5" Dia, 3000 ml)

- 材質:耐熱陶器
- 產地:日本
- 注意事項:直火、IH 爐、烤箱可用,洗碗機、微波爐不可用