Shinogi Flower Oval Plate 7”


The seemingly simple yet detailed Shinogi series combines classic Japanese chrysanthemum shapes with a modern glaze, blending both Japanese and Western elements. The large, gracefully carved petals by skilled artisans add an elegant touch, making the food placed on the plate appear even more appetizing. The rustic white color enhances the shadows and textures, creating a sophisticated and gentle dining atmosphere. Use this beautiful 7" oval plate to enjoy a variety of Chinese, Japanese, and Western dishes, and savor the finer moments of life!

-Size: L 17.2 x W 11.7 x H 1.9 cm (7” x 4.5" Dia)
-Material: Ceramic
-Made in Japan
-Notes: Dishwasher and microwave safe. No oven or direct fire.

Shinogi 花朵橢圓盤

看似簡約卻滿有細節的 Shinogi 系列,在經典日式風格的菊花形狀上,染上了現代感的釉料,日、西元素兼收並蓄。由工匠精心雕琢的圓弧花瓣造型,華貴氣派,使盤中食物看起來更加美味誘人。選用質樸的白色調,更能凸顯出顆粒的陰影和層次感,營造出高雅柔和的餐桌氛圍。一起使用這款美美的 7" 橢圓盤享用各式中、日、西料理,細細品味生活!

-尺寸:長 17.2 x 寬 11.7 x 高 1.9 cm (7” x 4.5" Dia)