Natural Tree Sap Foot Pads 30 Pack


In traditional Chinese medicine, the soles of the feet are considered the second center of health management. These Japan-made foot pads are crafted from natural tree sap. Simply apply them to the soles of your feet, shoulders, hips, or other tired areas before bed. The pads draw out excess moisture from the body, helping to relieve fatigue and swelling, leaving you feeling refreshed and revitalized after a good night’s sleep!

-Size: One box contains 30 foot pads.
-Made in Japan
-Material: Dextrin, Bamboo sap, Tree sap, Loquat leaf powder, Dokudami leaf powder, Chitosan, Vitamin C

  • In the morning, you may find some moisture residue on your feet; simply wipe it off.
  • Do not use if you have skin discomfort, wounds, eczema, or other skin abnormalities.
  • If redness, swelling, itching, or irritation occurs during use, stop using immediately and consult a doctor.
  • If the product accidentally comes into contact with your eyes or mouth, rinse thoroughly with water. Seek medical attention if discomfort persists.
  • Keep out of reach of children.
  • Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and avoid high or low temperatures to prevent deterioration.
  • Not for reuse.

TO PLAN 天然樹液足貼 30 入


-規格:一盒含 30 片足貼
-成分:糊精、竹樹液、樹液、北達葉粉、枇杷葉粉、殼聚醣、維生素 C

  • 早上醒來時腳底會殘留一點水分,只需輕輕擦拭即可。
  • 如發現皮膚不適、有傷口、濕疹等異常症狀時,請勿使用。
  • 使用過程中,如有發紅丶腫脹丶癢丶刺激等異常,請停止使用並聯繫醫生。
  • 如不小心觸碰眼睛、嘴巴,請立即用清水沖洗乾淨,如有不適請立即就醫。
  • 請放置於兒童接觸不到的地方。
  • 請勿存放在高溫或寒冷潮濕的地方,避免置於陽光直射的地方,避免變質。
  • 不可重複使用。