Antique Cup & Saucer


Designed by Carla Peters in Holland, this cup and saucer set is handmade and each one has a unique expression. The gray white glaze and the delicate relief make it look like an antique lined up in the antique market in Europe. Bring it home now and it will add a nostalgic cuteness to your tea time. Ema's Table also has teapot in the same series for sale. 

- Size: 
Cup 11.5 x H 8 cm (150 ml)
Saucer 14 x H 1 cm (5.5" Dia)

- Material: Porcelain
- Made in Thailand
- Notes: Dishwasher and microwave safe. No oven or direct fire. 


來自荷蘭設計師 Carla Peters 的作品,每個皆為手工製作,柔和寧靜的灰白釉色,與邊緣細緻的海軍藍搭配,猶如擺放在歐洲古董市集中的起名,優雅又復古。咖啡杯與盤緣上的精緻浮雕,擺在一起剛好可以相呼應,為器皿增添獨到細節。用這組杯盤享用下午茶,悠閒品味美好的日常時光!Ema's Table 另有同系列的茶壺出售,搭配使用更有質感!

- 尺寸:
杯 11.5 x H 8 cm (150 ml)
盤 14 x H 1 cm (5.5" Dia)

- 材質:瓷器
- 產地:泰國
- 注意事項:洗碗機、微波爐可用,烤箱、直火不可用