Manoir Mug


Manoir means manor in French, and the design of this series is reminiscent of a medieval manor. Available in three colors, the gorgeous and elegant appearance is perfectly combined with the clay texture. It has a romantic and an antique-like chic atmosphere. It can be paired with various beverages to show a different charm on the table. With a wide mouth, this mug is great for not only coffee and tea, but also soup and cereal. 

- Size: 11 x H 6.9 cm (4.5" Dia, 280 ml)
- Material: Pottery
- Made in Japan
- Notes: 

  • Dishwasher and microwave safe.
  • No oven or direct fire.
  • The glaze finish or texture might vary slightly.


Manoir 在法文裡代表莊園,此器皿的設計正令人聯想到中世紀的莊園氛圍。共有白、米灰、深綠三色,華麗典雅的外型與陶土質地完美結合,不只帶有浪漫感,還具有古董般的別緻氛圍,能各式料理相搭配,在餐桌上展現不一樣的魅力!

全系列有盤皿和馬克杯共 4 款,杯口開闊的馬克杯除了裝咖啡、紅茶,也很適合當作湯杯,無論是濃湯、義式蔬菜湯、洋蔥湯,都可以用它來盛裝,讓餐桌擺盤更加出色!

- 尺寸:11 x H 6.9 cm (4.5" Dia, 280 ml)
- 材質:陶器(studio m' 素材號碼 1)
- 產地:日本
- 注意事項:洗碗機、微波爐可用,烤箱、直火不可用