[Fellow] Ode Brew Grinder Gen 2


Fellow spent two years in development to bring the next generation of the award-wining home brew grinder. From the finest pour-overs to the coarsest cold brews, your coffee will never be the same again. Certified Q Grader (the highest certification in sensory coffee assessment), Gen 2 brewer grinds finer and with more precision. The broader grind range is exceptional for every brew method except espresso. With new anti-static technology for less grind mess, a redesigned load bin for smoother bean feeding, and an expanded 100 gram catch cup for batch brews, the next generation of grinding is here. 


  • New best-in-class Gen 2 Brew Burrs
  • New anti-static technology for less grind mess
  • New 100 gram capacity
  • New load bin design for smoother bean feeding
  • 31 grind settings and guide
  • Quiet grinding and automatic stop
  • Single dose loading for maximum freshness
  • Low grind retention
  • Magnetically aligned catch with easy pour fins
  • Grinds knocker
  • Compact footprint

- Size: L 23.9 x W 10.5 x H 24.8 cm 
- Material: Aluminum body, Plastic load bin and base, Stainless steel burrs
- Made in China

Gen 2 咖啡磨豆機

FELLOW 花了兩年時間開發的新一代 Gen 2 咖啡磨豆機,具有獨特 64mm 的大平刀刀盤設計,研磨更精細,均匀度佳,能有效提升淺焙咖啡豆在手沖咖啡時的萃取效果,并且更適用於手沖咖啡研磨,更能充分表現咖啡豆的豐富層次感,帶來煥然一新的口感。全新離子除靜電技術,釋出電離子來撞擊帶有靜電的咖啡粉,能有效解決靜電吸附的飛粉問題。Gen 2 的豆槽容量加大到一次可研磨100克豆子。PID 控制系統首次被應用到家用磨豆機上,透過精密的感應器偵測刀盤阻力,保持轉速穩定一致,提升研磨的品質和均匀度,讓整體咖啡風味更突出。Gen 2 定能為咖啡愛好者帶來全新體驗!

- 尺寸:L 23.9 x W 10.5 x H 24.8 cm 
- 材質:鋁合金、不鏽鋼、塑膠
- 產地:中國