Fujihoro Enamelware
Fujihoro is one of the biggest and leading manufacturer of Enamel Ware in Japan. All through these 70 plus years since establishment, Fujihoro has been manufacturing not only major product as kitchen wares, but also construction materials, industrial parts and more. It is known that "Fuji Porcelain Enamel keep world No.1 position of quality."
富士琺瑯 (Fujihoro) 會社成立於1947年,是日本老牌琺瑯製造商,以家用厨房用品為中心,生產範圍遍及建築材料、工業零件、琺瑯精品表等。琺瑯用鋼板及釉料皆由日本生產並直送泰國,經品管人員嚴格把關,自始自終貫徹高品質的品牌理念。